Split series into individual events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Split series into individual events

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Greg Perham 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #35465

    Just purchased Pro. We have some series that you register once for the whole thing, and other repeating events that require registration for individual dates. It looks like we can only set that globally, so how can we split a series into individual events? Another reason to do this is when a single event has a special guest, a change of venue, or something else we want to note in the description.

    Greg Perham

    In addition to splitting an entire series into separate events, how can a single event be edited, such as for a time change or something minor like that?

    Greg Perham

    You can break individual dates out of a series via the admin calendar (click a date, and then click ‘break this series’, but in doing so you effectively make it an independent event. If you are selling by ‘series’ then this will mean that dates is has it own bookings separate from the rest of the dates.

    If you enable the beta-flag


    in your wp-config.php you can drag and drop events to change the time (currently an event can’t have two occurrences on the same day).

    However, as venues are custom taxonomy, and are tied to the event, not individual dates, you have to create a seperate event for different venues.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you!

    Greg Perham
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