Single event shows end date

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #23783

    We have a strange error for one event: the date within the eventlist shows the end date, instead of the start date. on the single event page the start and end dates are displaying correct and all other events in the event list also displayed correct. we use the following shortcode for the event list:

    [eo_events group_events_by="series" no_events="Zur Zeit gibt es keine Veranstaltungen"] %start{d. F Y}% (Beginn) • Ort: %event_venue% %event_title% [/eo_events]

    i could give you access to the page.

    Peter Wesche

    Hi Peter,

    Can you link to the page in question? Just to confirm, it is a particular event, not all events rendered by that that particular shortcode?

    Stephen Harris

    Shure: Event List The 4th event from above shows the last of three event days 1. 2. 2017 – which is wrong. The singe event page shows the expected dates – from 30. 1. to 1. 2. 2017 = 3 days:

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by  Peter Wesche.
    Peter Wesche

    The iCal feed tells me that that event is only occurring on the 1st February. So I don’t know where those two events have come from. How have you crated the event? (I.e. what settings: start, end, recurrence etc).

    How are you displaying the dates on the single page?

    Stephen Harris
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