single-event.php not edit friendly

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bond Nwonye 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #22523

    I find that even the slightest edit of single-event.php (for example, adding Hello within a div tag:


    ) causes the margins of the event details to disappear (Chrome). Removing Hello, re-uploading file and cleaning the cache doesn’t fix it. The only thing that fixes this is to delete the file (in my child theme) and re-upload. Why is this so?

    Makes it tough to change the look and feel of the details page (event-meta-event-single.php).

    Bond Nwonye

    Hi Bond,

    What template setting are you using (in Settings > Event Organiser > General)?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for your response. I am using the default mode: Enable Theme Compatibility

    Bond Nwonye

    The template single-event.php in event-organiser/templates is not actually used unless you copy it into your theme (and may not match the mark-up of your theme). So just copying into your theme, might result in a sub-optimal appearance.

    Instead, when a single-event.php is not present, it uses single.php and injects the template event-meta-event-single.php just before the content.

    So if you’re going to create a single-event.php you’ll probably want to ensure that it broadly matches your theme’s single.php. Otherwise you can copy event-meta-event-single.php and edit that instead.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks very much. I chose to edit event-meta-event-single.php

    Bond Nwonye
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