Show how many tickets left per event

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Show how many tickets left per event

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Is there a way to show how many tickets are left per event?
    I want to be able to show XX spaces left per event for admin & user if possible


    Tina Stent

    Hi Tina,

    Yes you can. There is eo_get_remaining_tickets_count() for this (see codex with examples).

    How you use it would depend if you are selling tickets by date or by series. The codes has example code you can put in your single-event.php template (if you’re using one) or equally the event-meta-single-event.php template (for event information that appears at the top of the event page).

    Additionally this could go in the template eo-ticket-picker.php (found in event-organiser-pro/templates if you are selling tickets by series.

    Note: All template files should be copied to your theme before editing, asou will loose any changes made to the plug-in files when you update.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen,

    exactly where in the file would I place this code – I tried before the event details and the code just appeared on the page

    Tina Stent

    Hi Tina,

    If for, instance, you wanted it to appear at the top along with the event details, then somewhere at the bottom of the file event-meta-single-event.php (- see (e.g. line 116 or after 119).

    You will need to include the added in php tags:

       ... code here ...

    I’ll be in touch via e-mail in case you need any further help with this.

    Stephen Harris
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