shortcode wrapped around a placeholder, wich template?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question shortcode wrapped around a placeholder, wich template?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #13755

    Hi Stephen,

    I make use of the event shortcode [eo_event] and also use the placeholders {placeholder}. In the output I want to get rid of the UL/LI but, as you stated in the template shortcode-event-list.php removing the ul and li in that file doesnt work. Wich template is used and to be edited to remove de ul/li when using shortcode and placeholders?

    Thanks in advance!

    Siger Smit

    Hi Siger,

    The template is shortcode-event-list.php (you can find it in event-organiser/templates). You should copy it into your theme first before editing.

    Additionally, this template file is ignored if you are wrapping the shortcode around placeholders, e.g. [eo_event] ... placeholders here ... [/eo_event] – so for the plug-in to use the template you’ll want to use the shortcode it in its “self-enclosing” form: [eo_event].

    Stephen Harris

    Hi and thanks for your quick answer.

    I understand that the template file is ignored, that’s my problem 🙂

    I use the placeholders so I can make a nice layout on my frontpage. But it stil uses a ul/li to show the content, which makes the boxes I created indent. So what template do I have to modify when I want to use placeholders?

    for example:


    Siger Smit

    Hi Siger,

    As mentioned the template is shortcode-event-list.php. Unfortunately if you want to use the placeholders you have to use the <ul> list layout.

    By editing the template shortcode-event-list.php you can change the mark-up to whatever you require, but you’ll need to remove the placeholder tags and instead use the API functions in the template. If you need any help with that, just let me know.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks, it works! But it requires some PHP to do so. Are you thinking about making the templates stylable with underscore.js, like you do with the posterboard? Maybe in the backend, so no files have to be edited and styling will be a lot faster?

    Thanks anyway, love the plugin!

    Siger Smit

    The event list is static, so it won’t be using underscore.js – the template is editable, only in PHP rather than underscore’s template engine.

    Maybe in the backend, so no files have to be edited and styling will be a lot faster?

    Editing/storing PHP in the backend can be very dangerous, if a fatal error is accidentally added then you’d be unable to correct it without using FTP. If the user isn’t comfortable using FTP then that could be mean hours/days of downtime before they can get hold of someone who is.

    As for introducing a UI to style the event lists, this will unlikely ever make it to core. Most users are happy with the default styling, and for those that want to change it – their aims are so diverse that it would be impossible to meaningful cater for them through a (necessarily) restrictive UI. Using PHP templates raises the bar, but it does offer complete flexibility.

    Stephen Harris
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