Shortcode for remaining tickets

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Serkan Sen 2 years ago.

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  • #17094

    Hi Stephhen,

    Is it possible to add the remaining ticket count (%remaining_ticket% ) to this shortcode example which shows a list of future events? I am currently selling by date.

    [eo_events event_end_after=now]

     <div class="evlistWrap"> 
          <div class="eo-date-container">
               <span>%start{M}%</span> <span>%start{j}%</span>
          <div class="evList"> 
               <h2><a href="%event_url%">%event_title%</a></h2> 
          <div><a href="%event_url%">aanmelden</a></div> 


    I have tried making a shortcode for this, but till now have had no luck with it. What do I need to write and where?

    Regards, Tony


    Hi Tony,

    I think that would make an excellent addition for the event list shortcode, so I’ll look into this over the weekend with a view of incorporating this into a future update.

    If there’s a ‘quick fix’ for you for the immediate future then I’ll let you know here.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Tony,

    Unfortunately support for that tag may be a while off. How Event Organiser registers and parses those tags is in need of a rethink, but this would mean its in Event Organiser 3.0.0.

    An immediate solution is to use a template file rather than the placeholder tags. E.g if you edit shortcode-event-list.php so that each event (within the while loop) has the following structure:

     <div class="evlistWrap"> 
          <div class="eo-date-container">
               <span><?php eo_the_start('M');?></span> 
               <span><?php eo_the_start('j');?></span>
          <div class="evList"> 
               <h2><a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink() );?>"><?php the_title();?></a></h2> 
              <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink() );?>">aanmelden</a>
              <?php printf( 
                  '%s tickets remaining', 
                  eo_get_remaining_tickets_count( get_the_ID(), eo_get_the_occurrence_id() ) 
    Stephen Harris

    Hi, how can i display the remaining tickets on the admin email in booking-actions.php ?

    thank u

    Serkan Sen

    Hi Serkan,

    You can modify the content of the email sent to admins when a booking is configured with the eventorganiser_notify_confirmed_booking_message filter (for new bookings that are not necessarily confirmed you can use eventorganiser_notify_new_booking_message).

    This code will add a line which displaying the number of remaining tickets using a custom template tag (which we will define):

    add_filter('eventorganiser_notify_confirmed_booking_message', function($email_content){
            return $email_content . '<p>Remaining tickets %_remaining_tickets%</p>';

    Next we just need to define that custom tag:

    add_action('init', function(){
            \EO_Email_Template_Tag_Registry::register( '_remaining_tickets', function($tag, $atts, $context) {
                    $event_id = $context['event_id'];
                    $occurrence_id = isset($context['occurrence_id']) ? $context['occurrence_id'] : 0;
                    return eo_get_remaining_tickets_count($event_id, $occurrence_id);
    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    thank u very much. It worked.

    I edited booking-actions.php before. How can i put my changes for new booking message, that i have everything in functions.php and overwrite it?

    The changes in booking-actions.php are only in variable $message.

    A second question: When i export the bookings, the csv doesnt show me the german characters (ä,ö,ü etc) Is there any solution for this?

    thank u in advance

    Serkan Sen

    So $message is actually $email_content above – just given a different name.

    How do the characters appear? Or are they missing entirely?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    is there any way to show the count of confirmed bookings in the email like remaining tickets?

    thank u

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by  Serkan Sen.
    Serkan Sen
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