Shortcode opening calendar month

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #35426


    could you give me the shortcode to insert in WordPress for the opening of the calendar on a month and a specific week?

    Thanks by advance

    Corneux Fabrice


     [eo_fullcalendar year="2019" month="7" date="3]

    Full docs can be found here:

    Stephen Harris


    Thanks for your feedback, but it doesn’t work…,
    I just gota “loading” and the calendar is not displayed …

    Do you see what could be the problem?

    Corneux Fabrice


    I included the shortcodes in a block element “code” in wordpress for information…

    Do you have a solution ?


    Corneux Fabrice

    I included the shortcodes in a “code” block element …

    Possible to delete unpopular spaces via a css file ?

    Corneux Fabrice

    No, it shouldn’t be in a “code” block element – I think that’s why you’re getting the spacing issues. It should be added in a shortcode block.

    I can’t reproduce the loading issue. The calendar was working on that site if I recall – what’s changed in how you’re using the shortcode?

    Stephen Harris
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