Shortcode Generator

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #26793

    I have this Shortcode:
    [eo_events title=fußreflexzonenmassage-I numberposts=5 showpastevents=false]

    <div class=”column one-third”>%event_title%

    <div class=”column one-fifth”>%event_venue%</div>

    <div class=”column one-fourth”>%start{j.m.}% – %end{j.m.o}%</div>

    <div class=”column one-fifth”>Jetzt buchen</div>


    but I have so much events I need a shorter on

    [eo_events-shortcode title=fußreflexzonenmassage-I numberposts=5 showpastevents=false]

    how can I do this?]

    Christoph Steinlechner

    Hi Christoph,

    You’re trying to list events by title, with their dates underneath right?

    There are two ways you can do this with shortcodes:

    1. Use the event shortcode template
    2. Register your own shortcode which pre-fills the settings.

    I would use (1) if you are not re-using the shortcode template elsewhere. (See

    For (2), see

    Something like:

    add_shortcode( 'my_shortcode', function( $atts, $content = null ){
        return do_shortcode( sprintf( '[eo_events title=%s numberposts=5 showpastevents=false]
           <div class="column one-third">%event_title%</div>
           <div class="column one-fifth">%event_venue%</div>
           <div class="column one-fourth">%start{j.m.}% – %end{j.m.o}%</div>
           <div class="column one-fifth">Jetzt buchen</div>

    should work.

    Stephen Harris
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