Shortcode category dropdown not showing

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Shortcode category dropdown not showing

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #18785

    using the following shortcode in order to display the calendar. It displays, but there is no category filter drop down.
    Am I doing something wrong? The problem is at the following url:

    [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft:’title’, headerCenter:’category’, headerRight:’prev,next today’]


    Lukas Feddern

    Hi Lukas,

    You should be use = instead of: to seperate attributes and values. Values should be in single quotes or double quotes, or nothing (but not bactics). Lastly there should be no commas separating the attributes. Try:

     [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft='title' headerCenter='category' headerRight='prev,next today']


    Also, if you copy and paste the above, you should do into the text / html tab (not ‘Visual’ as this can copy styling too).

    Stephen Harris
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