SERP: show no past events

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Patrick Merck 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #25447

    I used:

    [event_search event_start_after=”now”]

    but the SERP also shows events from the past…
    What shortcode should I use instead?

    Patrick Merck

    Are you allowing users to select a date range? If so try,

     [event_search showpastevents=false]
    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen,

    but it doesnt work:
    (try e.g. “aqua” as search term and on SERP there are also events listed from october)

    [event_search showpastevents=false posts_per_page=”3″]
    (I’ve also tried [event_search showpastevents=false] with the same result.

    Patrick Merck

    Sorry Bastian,


     [event_search showpastevents=0]

    That should work. Alternatively, there is a setting in Settings > Event Organiser > General – but it that will affect more than just the SERP.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen

    Patrick Merck
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