SERP in posterboard view?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 8 months ago.

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    is it possible to show the results page in/as “posterboard view”?


    Patrick Merck

    Hi Bastian,

    Not really. It’s possible, but you would need to implement this yourself, and there’s very little that can be re-used from the posterboard plugin except the template.

    The search results template is handled by the theme, so its hard to give generic advice here, but you would probably need to use template_include to switch to your own template when events are being searched. This would then render the initial mark-up and load the necessary javascript files.

    What you could do is just use the template to pass the search term into the posterboard shortcode. This is a bit inefficient, since the site would have already retrieved the initial 10 events. Something like the following in you template should work:

     $search_term = get_search_query( true );
     do_shortcode( sprintf( '[event_board s="%s"]', $search_term ) );
    Stephen Harris
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