Serious trouble with recurring events with date TODAY.

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Serious trouble with recurring events with date TODAY.

This topic contains 18 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 10 months ago.

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    I emailed you. I am still with date picker, there must be something there 😀

    Gabriela Halac

    You were right, it was related to var morning = new Date();, and specifically it was related to a combination of the time of the event and the local timezone.

    Looking at your site in BST, I couldn’t see any errors. Once I changed by OS timezone to ART, only then did I see the errors.

    The bug was in the logic for finding the ‘next’ available occurrence in the JavaScript file. It creates a date instance and sets it to the preceding midnight and compares that to each of the event’s dates (these won’t have a time part, which is why we set the timestamp to midnight).

    The issue was I was using setHours() not setUTCHours(): the former sets it to midnight in the local timezone. This meant in comparing the event dates, it couldn’t find any ones in the ‘future’ (unless you created a new date).

    The issue should be fixed for you now on your site, and there’ll be update shortly.

    Stephen Harris

    It’s working!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You’re the best!!!!! thanks a lot for your help!!!!
    this plugin really rocks, and the support is great! thanks again, it’s friday night, time for some rest. thanks!

    Gabriela Halac

    You’re welcome :). I’m glad it’s now working for you.

    Stephen Harris
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