Sending EO data/html from one WP site to another

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Sending EO data/html from one WP site to another

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dario 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    This is somewhat unrelated to the main functionality of EO, but…

    I’ve created a second event page (using a custom page template) that displays a list of events differently than my main events page. What I’d like to do is to display that page on another server, not using an iframe.

    Essentially the second site (wordpress or regular php) would need to fetch this event page periodically and then display it.

    Anyone have any ideas on how to best do this? Could I create a RSS feed and then import that into the second site? Or can EO information be sent between different WP installs on different servers?

    I’d greatly appreciate any suggestions from anyone


    I suppose the ICAL feed could be used here – but this is limited in what data it includes (no venue data / custom fields). You could use wp_remote_get() to fetch the feed data, but you would then need to parse it (I’m currently working on providing a better api for parsing ICAL feeds – the current implementation is a bit tied to importing events).

    Also I’m currently working on an API which allows apps to remotely fetch event/booking data (would require an API key). The aim for this is to allow for an app to fetch events / bookings and scan tickets at the door.

    On the ‘host site’, I would use template_include and determine (based on the query) whether your viewing a page or what the data sent in ICAL/json format and then include a template which displays the content in ICAL/json format. Then the ‘client site’ can use wp_remote_get() to retrieve the data, and then parse the response. I would cache the result for performance too.

    Stephen Harris

    Okay thanks Stephen, will give that a try.

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