Sending Email Booking Confirmation Immediately for Offline Payments

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Sending Email Booking Confirmation Immediately for Offline Payments

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joe Iadanza 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #10263

    Hey Stephen!

    Can I get a confirmation email to be sent out for an event where the payment is made at the event and no pre-payment is needed. In other words, I want the confirmation email sent to the person who RSVP’s immediately. There is no need for payment to happen in advance of the event. Most of my event payments happen on-site with the individual program presenters. I can do this if I set the ticket cost to $0. Then the email goes out automatically. But, I want the ticket confirmation email to contain the cost of the workshop so they’ll have reference of how much to bring. Otherwise they get an email that says there’s no $$$ due and that gets confusing for a few folks. Let me know! Cheers, Joe

    Joe Iadanza

    Hi Joe,

    There’s no UI option for it, but the code needed, and a tutorial for how you can do this is provided here:

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen!

    Will check it out.

    Joe Iadanza

    One more thing…

    (First, thanks again for the tutorial link… I created the extra plugin from that and it worked perfectly. That was my first plugin making experience…)

    On the booking form, when a offline payment option has been made for buying the ticket, It displays “Thank you for your booking. You shall receive an e-mail containing your tickets once we have confirmed payment”.

    I see in FUNCTIONS, where this dialog is created. I want to change this wording. How can I do that (perhaps in my separate functions plugin?) so that it’s overriding this? If I change it in the plugin, I suspect it will just get written-over after the next update.


    Joe Iadanza

    Hi Joe,

    Yes, there’s a filter for it, the rather verbose eventorganiser_pro_get_option_booking_complete_message_offline.

    For example,

     add_filter( 'eventorganiser_pro_get_option_booking_complete_message_offline', 'joe_set_offline_booking_message' );
     function joe_set_offline_booking_message(){
       return '... new message ...';

    That can live in the plug-in you just created, (as changes made to the plug-in files will be lost when you update).

    Stephen Harris

    Sweet. Thanks so much Stephen.


    Joe Iadanza
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