Hi Stephen, I’ve purchased your Pro plugin and is great so far.
I have a question: I have multiple comedy shows running at the same time, and I need visitors that books tickets for a show not to be ‘confirmed’ by each show author, but to be ‘automatically’ confirmed (as if they were free tickets) and receive the confirmation email (with the selected template). I’ve read this post but in that case bookees receives an email that says that they will “receive a confirmation email once we have confirmed your payment”
Can this be done or achieved in some way?
Thanks a lot! Have a great 2014!

Pablo Molinari
Hi Pablo,
How are bookings being paid for? Bookings are confirmed whenever payment is confirmed (if payment is necessary). So bookings paid for via PayPal should be automatically confirmed instantaneously, whereas offline payments require manual confirmation.
If you want offline payments to be automatically confirmed:
add_action( 'eventorganiser_pre_gateway_booking_offline', 'pablo_automatically_confirm_offline_booking' );
function pablo_automatically_confirm_offline_booking( $booking_id ){
eo_confirm_booking( $booking_id, true );
The offline gateway confirmation message that appears on the event page after booking assumes that booking hasn’t been immediately confirmed, so you can change that message with:
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_pro_get_option_booking_complete_message_offline', 'pablo_offline_confirmation_message' );
function pablo_offline_confirmation_message( $message ){
return "Thank you for you booking";

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen! Bookings are paid at theatre’s box office the same day of the show, half an hour before it begins. That’s why I need bookings to be automatically confirmed, as show producers doesn’t have to login and confirm each one. I’ll give a try and tell you how it works.
Thanks for your fast response!

Pablo Molinari
It worked like a charm. Thank you so much!

Pablo Molinari
In wich file do you add this code ?

Indie Group
Ideally you can create a site utility plug-in for it, but it will also work in your theme’s functions.php
. (See this post: Where should I put code from the tutorials?)

Stephen Harris
The confirmation email gets sent like exprected.
But the sucess message only works on my local project, but when I deploy it to a live website, it does not show up
Any ideas ?

Indie Group