Sending a Follow-up Email

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #38967
    Christine Seelye-King

    I am brand new to Event Organizer and just setting it up. I want to send a second email after a Booking Confirmation email is sent, close to the date of the event, with the Zoom meeting info included. Is there a way to automate that step? If not, where will I see a list of people that have bought tickets, so that I can send it manually?

    Christine Seelye-King

    Hi Christine,

    There is no email scheduling feature built into Event Organiser. Though its possible through code to leverage WordPress’ cron API to trigger a follow-up email.

    To send emails to all bookees manually you can use the bookings admin page. Simply filter by the event, and select all the relevant bookings – if bookings go over multiple pages you may want to adjust the number of bookings per page so you can select them all in one go.

    Then you can use the ’email’ bulk action. See this page for more details:

    Stephen Harris
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