Send tickets as well as confirmation?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Send tickets as well as confirmation?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Adam Abrams 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi! My client is wondering if there’s a way to send actual “tickets” to be brought to an event, alongside the email currently sent which simply summarizes the information. This is similar to other payment scenarios I’ve encountered when ordering tickets to a movie or play.

    If, for example, one is buying tickets for different attendees who may not arrive together, this allows one to print them out and give them to the people separately – or to email them to the different recipients.

    Is this sort of thing possible?


    Adam Abrams

    Hi Adam,

    Apologies I haven’t responded to you earlier.

    You commented another thread. The PDF tickets extension (not publicly available) e-mails the bookee a PDF which all the tickets in. Is that what you’re after?

    Alternatively you could have either a copy of the booking confirmed email to all attendees or have a separate e-mail sent for each attendees. Which would be most appropriate for you?

    Stephen Harris

    Hello Stephen!

    (I initially just hit “reply” to the email notification of your message – but that was 2 days back, and I think I”ve discovered that doesn’t actually send the message to this thread?)

    Anyway… 8^)

    The first option you mention, a PDF of all the tickets, would be ideal! I’d love to give it a try. Is it still in beta I presume? But it should work fine?

    Also – at the risk of veering off topic a bit – can one customize the layout of the tickets themselves? My client (the film festival) would like to add certain graphics to the ticket layout.


    Adam Abrams

    Just sent you an e-mail about this. Yes the ticket itself is ‘templated’ and can be edited.

    Stephen Harris

    Got it – thanks so much!

    Adam Abrams
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