Hi. It seems the Event search field does not query tag values. Is there some way to include tag values or alternatively run a different search on tag values alone?
If I display tags on my events list and then click on one, I get all of the events that match that tag. This is great. But if the tag doesn’t appear on the page, the user may not know about it. I’d like a way to search for a tag or list all tag values attached to events.

Brian O’Neill
Hi Brian,
WordPress’ native search is very primitive, and doesn’t account for taxonomies. There are plug-ins available that provide a more powerful search ‘engine’. Having not used any, I cannot offer a recommendation, but popular ones include Relevanssi, Better Search and commercial ones: WP Advanced Search and FacetWP.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the reply. Just to clarify, I’m talking about Event Tags.
Something like this would be great:
[event_search filters=”date,event_category,event_tag“]

Brian O’Neill
Ah, sorry Brian, I misread your post and thought you wanted search terms to take in consideration event tags when finding results.
Yes, this is feasible. I’ll put this done for 1.9.0 (as 1.8.0 is already in beta).

Stephen Harris
That sounds great. Thank you!

Brian O’Neill
Hi. Any ETA on Pro 1.9.0? We eagerly await the new functionality!

Brian O’Neill
Hi Brian,
Yes, 1.9.0 is due for release next week (probably Thursday 2nd)

Stephen Harris