Hi, I just bought the pro version as I wanted to use the search filter feature. I have it working but I was wondering if it is possible to set it up so that it only shows relevant selections depending on the previous selection, for example if I choose to filter by a specific country then only the cities of that country show. Or if a country doesn’t have regions the regions drop down does not appear.
I hope I have described this ok,
cheers Mark

Mark Gray
Hi Mark,
Unfortunately the search shortcode filters are not dynamic in that sense. It would also be difficult (ineffecient) to implement: since country/cities are not nested categories but simple ‘tag’ values there is not an efficient way to obtain all cites which appear next to a given country,.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen, thanks for your quick response. This is an essential feature for me and I had assumed the filter would do that. Is it possible to get a refund? If so what do I need to do?
Thanks, Mark

Mark Gray
Hi Mark,
I’ll get that processed for you today.

Stephen Harris
Hi. Sorry to reply here. But i found the same function: country/cities / Custom cat, nested categories
How is it possible … in the search shortcode.

Leroy Albert
Hi Leroy,
Documentation for the event search shortcode can be found here: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/shortcodes/event-search/
It supports filtering by country, city and/or category, but not in the ‘dynamic’ fashion described by Mark.

Stephen Harris