RSS with event date

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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  • #9664

    Another question…
    When I use I don’t get the event date. Where can I organize the output of my event feed?

    Paksha Thullner

    That’s the RSS feed. The url of your iCal feed can be found in Settings > Event Organiser > General.

    There isn’t an RSS feed with event dates because RSS feeds are intended for posts. (In fact I believe you shouldn’t include ‘future dated’ items in RSS feed).

    Stephen Harris

    I managed by including the start date of an event into the title of the RSS items. <br>
    Fortunately your RSS feed is already sorted by the eventdate <br>
    These sites helped me:<br><br&gt;<br&gt;
    In the loop I use the following code:

    <?php     $start = eo_format_datetime($occurrence['start'], $format);
              $title = get_the_title_rss();    ?>
            <title>   <?php     echo $start. " - ".$title;   ?>      </title>
            <link>    <?php the_permalink_rss(); ?>   </link>
           <description><![CDATA[        <?php the_excerpt_rss() ?>]]>       </description>
    Paksha Thullner

    Awesome 🙂

    Stephen Harris
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