Restrict previous months on calendar shortcode

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Restrict previous months on calendar shortcode

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Susie Brew 2 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #41856

    We use the following shortcode to display the calendar:
    [eo_fullcalendar headerCenter=’month,agendaWeek]

    Is it possible to restrict the display so that the user can’t go backwards to previous months – so that they can only see the current month and future months?

    Thank you.

    Susie Brew

    Hi – I wondered if you had had a chance to look at this? Many thanks. Susie

    Susie Brew

    Hi Susie,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    This isn’t possible, but it would be possible to filter out the past events:

        add_filter( 'eventorganiser_fullcalendar_query', function($query){
            $start = new DateTime($query['event_end_after']);
            $now = new DateTime();
            if ($start < $now) {
                $query['event_end_after'] = $now->format('Y-m-d');
            return $query;
        } );
        //Disable caching
        add_filter('eo_full_calendar_public', '__return_false');
        add_filter('eo_full_calendar_public_priv', '__return_false');
    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen – that’s not quite what I was looking for, but thank you for the information. I’ll have a think. Best wishes Susie

    Susie Brew
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