I’m using the reservation option for events and the function is okay, even for free events.
After I did a reservation I see this message:
“You have already made a booking for this event.”
But there is still the reservation button and If I hit that button again a second reservation is made. That seems to me wrong. Is there a way to validate double submissions or just hide the button after a reservation is done. Note this happens to logged in users.
Next is there a way to cancel my reservation? Sure it will never happen for paid tickets this way, but for the free reservations it should be an option. Would be nice if that would be a links after that message I mentioned above.

Olaf Lederer
By default users can make multiple bookings, and that notice is for just for the user’s information. You can hide the form, however by editing the booking form template file (templates/eo-booking-form.php
– copy it to your theme first).
If you edit the last } else {
statement, (~line 55), to an elseif
statement following:
} elseif ( ! eo_user_has_bookings( get_current_user_id(), get_the_ID() ) ) {
Then the booking form will only appear if the user has not made a prior booking for the event.
You can use the ‘Booking History’ shortcode on page to display to logged-in users their previous bookings. There’s an option to allow them to cancel their booking.
You can then use the URL of that page in the notice that appears to users who have previously placed a booking for that event. To edit the message that appears:
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_booking_form_form_display_notices', function( $notices ) {
if ( isset( $notices['prior-booking'] ) ) {
$notices['prior-booking'] = sprintf(
'You have a prior booking for this event. <a href="%s">Click here</a> to view your bookings.',
return $notices;
} );

Stephen Harris