Reservation errors/tickets

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #25159

    Hi Stephen,

    is it possible to set the minimum tickets to 1? Because if 0 is used the reservation just
    doesn’t register, but doesn’t throw an error.

    Also if there is an error with the payment or for example the email
    has already been used there is no error.
    Is it possible to catch these exceptions and redirect to an error page?

    Paksha Thullner

    Hi Paksha,

    By default the user is returned to the booking form with an appropriate error message if no tickets are selected (see for instance). What behaviour are you seeing? Is the user returned to the booking form? Have you edited any of the templates, or otherwise modified the behaviour of the plug-in?

    Equally, if a user tries to create an account with an e-mail address that already exists, the booking does not proceed, and they are returned to the booking form with an error message.

    Regarding the payment gateway, there is no UI to set a ‘failure’ URL, but PayPal allows you to set a cancel url (a page to which the user is directed to if they cancel the checkout).

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_pre_gateway_checkout_paypal', function( $paypal_cart ) {
         $paypal_cart['cancel_return'] = '...'; //URL to return to here
         return $paypal_cart;
    } );
    Stephen Harris

    I get redirected to an empty page when there are no tickets selected. I added somethings to the functions.php file for saving and prefilling address and phone. I check if this has caused the issues.

    However is it possible to set the minimum to 1 ticket?

    Also what is the best way to add date of birth to the form?

    Paksha Thullner

    You can set a default ticket selection as indicated here:

    That won’t stop the de-selecting the ticket, but as noted the plug-in doesn’t allow users to make bookings with no tickets (and will display an error) – it’s not clear why that isn’t working for you, but I’d recommend making sure that isn’t any modifications that you may have made.

    Stephen Harris
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