Hi Stephen,
I’ve been using your notification snippet (I swapped to the plugin version today though) with a client’s site which also uses another fairly common snippet in functions.php to send all site notifications from the client’s email address rather than the site admin email address.
I’m seeing a strange situation where the event confirmation messages are being sent with the correct event organiser’s email address, but sometimes if people reply to that confirmation email their message gets send to the site admin. For example, the customer realises upon seeing the confirmation email that they’ve booked the wrong date so they reply with a request to change it.
It’s like the confirmation messages contain a ‘reply to’ address instead of defaulting to the sending address. Are you able to shed any light on why this might be happening?
Thanks so much.
FYI, here is the snippet I used to change the site-wide sending email from wordpress@sitename.com: http://www.wprecipes.com/change-wordpress-from-email-header

Hi TS,
“From” and “Reply-to” are different things so that above snippet on wprecipe will change the “from” but not reply to.
E-mails are sent, by default, with the “from” and “reply-to” from the site admin email address (the e-mail address Event Organiser uses can be changed as per the eventorganiser_admin_email
hook in the documentation linked to, but is site-wide ).
As an aside, the email notification filter eventorganiser_booking_notification_email
, changes which addresses the notification e-mail should be sent to (typically admin and/or event organiser – there’s a different, user-set, e-mail sent to the bookee).
So to change the from/reply-to e-email you can use eventorganiser_admin_email
. Or if you want to change it on a booking/event basis you can use the eventorganiser_booking_confirmed_email_headers
to change the email headers directly.
These are the default headers:
// $from_email is, by default, the admin e-mail address.
$headers = array(
'from:' . stripslashes_deep( html_entity_decode( $from_name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' ) ) . " <$from_email>",
'reply-to:' . $from_email
To change the headers for booking confirmation e-mails
add_filter('eventorganiser_booking_confirmed_email_headers', 'my_booking_confirmed_email_headers', 10, 2 );
function my_booking_confirmed_email_headers( $headers, $booking_id ){
//Change $headers as desired
return $headers;

Stephen Harris