Replace 'Already registered?' with 'Already a member?' in eo_login_form

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Replace 'Already registered?' with 'Already a member?' in eo_login_form

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jon Packman 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    Is there a way to replace ‘Already registered?’ with ‘Already a member?’ in the eo_login_form? I see it comes from the eventorganiser_pro_login_form_top function (below) but can’t work out how to change it. Thanks.

    function eventorganiser_pro_login_form_top( $top ) {
        remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ );
        return __( 'Already registered?', 'eventorganiserp' ).'</br>'.'<input type="hidden" name="eo_username_or_email" value="1">'.$top;
    Jon Packman

    Hi Jon,

    It’s not an easy thing to do – and is perhaps something that should change to make it easier. But here’s one way of doing it: remove the filter and add your own which does exactly the same thing but with a different message:

    add_filter( 'login_form_top', 'jon_login_form_top', 5 );
    function jon_login_form_top( $top ){
        if( remove_filter( 'login_form_top', 'eventorganiser_pro_login_form_top' ) ){
            $top = 'Already a member?' . '</br>'. '<input type="hidden" name="eo_username_or_email" value="1">' . $top;
        return $top;
    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen, that works.

    Jon Packman
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