Repeat at different times per day

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sam Mittelstaedt 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #25608

    I have a weekly class that is available Wed, Fri, Sat from 6-9pm.
    That class also happens on Saturday’s from 12-3.

    It looks like repeating classes can only be added by date with no option to edit time.

    Is it possible to schedule repeating classes at different times
    or must I copy the class content and make a second class
    with the different time of day?

    I was hoping to keep all the occurrences in one class so when someone
    views the class they can see all the available times and dates.

    If answer = no.
    Feature Request: Manual entry of date+time for repeat, not just calendar picker for date only.

    Sam Mittelstaedt

    Hi Sam,

    Unfortunately, this not possible (without creating a second event for the 12-3pm timeslot). The reason is largely due to user-interface constraints. Namely, in the booking form (when not using the drop-down), and in the booking and event admin – a datepicker is used for selecting a bookable occurrence. This assumes that a bookable occurrence can be mapped to a date.

    Once a more suitable UI is found for searching, selecting and creating datetimes rather than just dates, then it would be possible to lift this restriction. (The plan is do just that, but I cannot give any concrete timelines for this feature).

    Stephen Harris

    OK…so I’m thinking I need to create a class for each time slot, then use a short code to list them by time and day of the week in a normal post.
    No worries. It is what it is.

    In the admin side, I was thinking a form that automatically adds another row for the next repeat time/date after each instance is created.
    This would only be for the specific date creation option.

    Sam Mittelstaedt
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