Reoccurring events date

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5868

    Hello, is there a better way to show my reoccurring events dates, currently it outputs all the dates shown below.

    Is there a better way to show this? For example: When: Every Tuesday & Wednesday till Tuesday 17th September.


    When: Tuesday 21st May @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 22nd May @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 28th May @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 29th May @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 4th June @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 5th June @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 11th June @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 12th June @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 18th June @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 19th June @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 25th June @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 26th June @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 2nd July @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 3rd July @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 9th July @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 10th July @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 16th July @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 17th July @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 23rd July @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 24th July @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 30th July @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 31st July @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 6th August @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 7th August @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 13th August @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 14th August @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 20th August @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 21st August @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 27th August @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 28th August @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 3rd September @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 4th September @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 10th September @ 1:00pm, Wednesday 11th September @ 1:00pm, Tuesday 17th September @ 1:00pm,

    Ross Gosling

    Hi Ross,

    It should output a li-list of event dates, and then hides all but the next 5 and allows you to reveal more (see Exact formatting will depend on your theme however.

    (If you’re seeing more than 5 then that indicates a js-bug on the page somewhere. If its all appearing on one line then that’s due to your theme and you can fix it by editing your theme’s style.css)

    But you can edit the themes to instead display a more descriptive… description… of the event schedule. See this fucntion eo_get_event_schedule() ( which returns a summary, and is used in the admin screen. You can edit the default templates to use it (in your case you want to edit the event-meta-single-event.php template).

    Alternatively you could create your own function which does something similar but more suited to your usage. If you get stuck with anything just ask on the forums.

    Stephen Harris
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