Removing the dynamic event list page

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Removing the dynamic event list page

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dario 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    In your tutorial, Creating your own events page, you outlined how to create additional event pages separate from the auto generated one included in EO.

    I’m wondering if it’s possible to deactivate the default dynamically generated page without deactivating the dynamic venue and event pages (tag and category functions would also need to be deactivated). I’m trying to do this so that I can create a page in the WP back-end with a “event list” page template, thus allowing me to add the_content above the event list and to also customise the SEO within the WP interface (the dynamic event list page is also currently not being added to the sitemap created by the SEO plug-in that I use).

    My guess is that I can de-register a function in my functions.php file to remove the dynamic event list page, but I have no idea which function this is.



    My guess is that I can de-register a function in my functions.php file to remove the dynamic event list page, but I have no idea which function this is.

    Yup, its registered in event-organiser/includes/event-organiser-cpt.php. You could remove it from the init hook and replicate it yourself but with the properties chanegd. But its not a particularly nice approach, so in the next release of Event Organiser I filter the event post type properties just before they’re registered.

    In this particular case you want has_archive set to false.

    Stephen Harris

    Okay, thanks Stephen.

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