Removing Map Placeholder

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jason Vana 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #19282

    I was wondering what would be the best way to remove the area in the single event meta data section that is reserved for the venue map?

    I turned off the venue map, but all the text (aka – dates, etc) wrap as though the map is still there. I want to have the event data fill up that entire section.

    You can see what I mean at

    The date wraps as though the map is still there.

    How do I get rid of that map area?


    Jason Vana

    Hi Jason,

    If you copy event-meta-event-single.php from event-organiser/templates into your theme and edit it there you remove the class eo-event-meta from the <div> underneath ‘Event Details’.

    It’s that class which restricts the event details to half of the parent container.

    Stephen Harris


    Thanks for the reply. I took out the eo-event-meta from the div and it’s doing exactly what I wanted it to.

    Thanks again!

    Jason Vana
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