Remove the event meta (Category, Date, Venue)

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Remove the event meta (Category, Date, Venue)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Wesche 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #22903

    i know it sounds funny, but i’d like to hide the event meta (inside: event-meta-event-single.php),
    to simplify the event organiser for my clients.
    we only have few categories and venues and events with a series of single dates,
    the typical wordpress logic with tags and links is a little too confusing for customers.
    i’m using beaver builder with layout modules –
    along with event organiser shortcodes.
    its only for a small project.
    would you give me a function to do that?

    Peter Wesche

    Hi Peter,

    You can copy the template file event-meta-event-single.php into your theme and remove the appropriate lines there. It will survive any update to the plug-in.

    Stephen Harris

    ok, thanks, already did that – almost an empty template now.

    Peter Wesche
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