Hi Stephen,
I’d rather not have this at the foot of the notification emails that go out to my client (the site owner) when a new booking is made. How do I remove it?

Paul Oaten
Hi Paul,
There are details on how to create your own e-mail templates here: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/bookings/custom-email-templates/. Simply copy the template across to your theme and make any changes you’d like. (Templates can be found event-organiser-pro/templates

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
it’s the admin notification email I’m interested in changing. I don’t think I see one in there for that?

Paul Oaten
Ah, sorry misread that. Yes that hard-codes (the name of) the template which is used. If you copy it into your theme and keep the (file) name, then it should over-ride the default template.

Stephen Harris
Sorry Stephen,
I’m ok with the templates that go out to the bookees – I copied one into the theme folder and modified it successfully. The one that I need to change is the notification that goes out to the ‘admin’ to confirm that there has been a booking on the site.
Sorry if I’m being thick here but I just can’t find a template for that?

Paul Oaten
The template used for admin emails is “eo-email-template-event-organiser.php”. So if you copy that into your theme you should be able to edit it, and the plug-in will pick the template it finds in the theme over the one in the plug-in.

Stephen Harris