Registrant questions

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #10478 Reply

    So far I am very impressed – I especially love the Demo feature! I think this will be replacing 3-4 different plug-ins that I have been using to get the function I need.

    I still have some questions:

    1) I need to gather basic information about those registering for class (Name, email, phone, etc) I cannot see where to do this.

    2) I also like to auto-add registrants to MailChimp – again, not seeing how to do this.

    3) What specifically are the differences in the Personal vs Business license? If I have a business, but only one site which do I want?

    4) While it is not my first preference, I do get people who want to book directly (with cash). Can I manually add them? so I have all registrations in one place?

    Also I want to double check –
    “Cap booking at X places” – means how many tickets one individual can buy, while”spaces” for event is how many tickets total to sell – right?

    #10480 Reply

    Hi Joan,

    I’m glad you like the plug-in so far.

    1) I need to gather basic information about those registering for class (Name, email, phone, etc) I cannot see where to do this.

    You can custom fields to the booking form via the form customiser (fields for the name and e-mail of the bookee are added by default). However, there is not yet a way of collecting information associated with each ticket (in the case where users may be purchasing more than one ticket). This is currently in early development, and the next release (1.7) due in early May will paving much of the way for that. As an early estimate, this feature should be in Pro around June/July this year.

    2) I also like to auto-add registrants to MailChimp – again, not seeing how to do this.

    This isn’t a feature, though it’s entirely possible.

    3) What specifically are the differences in the Personal vs Business license? If I have a business, but only one site which do I want?

    The difference is in the number of sites supported and which can recieve automatic updates. Additionally, support for Developer, Business and Personal license holders is prioritised in that order. Finally, the Business license comes with a few additional extensions, and the Developer license comes with all extensions included. (A full list is available here). You don’t have to a be a Business to choose a business license, and similarly you can select the Personal license if you’re a business.

    4) While it is not my first preference, I do get people who want to book directly (with cash). Can I manually add them? so I have all registrations in one place?

    There’s an ‘offline’ payment gateway which you can enable. Bookings made with this gateway are set to ‘pending’ until an administrator manually confirms payment. The settings also allow you to select whether ‘pending’ bookings are reserved so that you can prevent overbooking.

    Also I want to double check –
    “Cap booking at X places” – means how many tickets one individual can buy, while”spaces” for event is how many tickets total to sell – right?

    No, that option is only really useful when you have multiple tickets. Without that option, the number of spaces for an event is the sum of all the ticket quantities. If you choose to cap bookings, then the number of spaces is the minimum of the two. This is so you can have 100 adult and 100 concession tickets available, but ensure you do not sell more than 100 tickets.

    I hope that answers your questions, if you have any more, just let me know,

    Stephen Harris
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