recurring with different times

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #23903

    I added the code to the wp_config to activate the beta features but I’m still unable to “drag & drop” via the admin calendar day view to a different time (same length of time just starting and ending an hour earlier on the first day of the recurring event). Anything new on how to get this feature to function or did the effort to include it not work out?


    Eliyahna VanKurin

    Where did you add the constant to wp-config.php. It will need to be near the top, above this line at least:

    Stephen Harris

    Right before the Authentication of keys (see above)

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    Please don’t post your configuration file here, these forums are public. I’d strongly recommend you reset your database credentials and SALTs.

    The constant appears to be in the right place though. So it’s not clear why this is not working for you. (I assume you’re running Event Organiser 3.0.0 or higher).

    I’ve just sent you an e-mail about this to move the investigation on.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen I sent you an email but I’m not sure you received. I’ve done all you requested and still not working. Any other suggestion? Thanks they have another event coming up with different times..

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by  Eliyahna VanKurin.
    Eliyahna VanKurin

    Hi Eliyahna,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I’ve just replied to your email.

    Stephen Harris
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