I have an event that is Every Thursday for 6 weeks. I currently have it showing on the calendar just fine. We have 8 spots that can be purchased for this event.
Now, I just want to make sure that the system is only allowing 8 booking spots total and not 8 spots for each Thursday??
Is it going to work as I expect?

Chris Christenson
Hi Chris,
This will depend on the plug-in settings. In Settings > Event Organiser > Bookings you have the option of bookings being tied to a particular date (such as theatre booking) or being tied to the entire event (such as signing up for a class). The documentation on this can be found here: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/bookings/selling-your-first-ticket/

Stephen Harris
Do you recommend we change to “series” instead of date. We mostly do single date classes but have some that are 6 weeks long. I assume even on series that will work for what we need for single dates as well.
Thanks for any additional advice.

Chris Christenson
When it comes to single events there is no practical difference between booking by series or date. So you should choose whichever you need for the recurring events. So if you are selling tickets for a course that runs over multiple dates, then I would recommend the ‘series’ option.

Stephen Harris
I think when this event is completed, I’ll change it to series and see how that works. I like that it shows the event on every thursday for 6 weeks.
I do have a small problem with the recurring and the booking capacity. It doesn’t seem to work correctly. I’ve had to increase the count beyond the limit even though there bookings are much less.

Chris Christenson
If you switch to series it will still show the event on every thursday for 6 weeks (for example). It just changes how the bookings are made for the event.
Regarding the limit, could you explain what you mean (by limit – do you mean the event capacity limit or individual ticket spaces), provide some examples etc?

Stephen Harris
The event is limited to 8. However, I currently have 6 bookings. If I leave the capacity at 8, it will show full.
So I’ve had to increase the tickets and capacity to hopefully reach 8. Am I doing it wrong? I want a maximum of 8 people at this event.

Chris Christenson
Do those 6 bookings have only one ticket each? Are there any bookings pending (this only matters if you are reserving pending tickets)?
How many tickets does the event have and how many spaces do each have?
If I understand you correctly you are selling tickets by date currently, is that right? If so which dates are those tickets available for?

Stephen Harris
Yes, selling by date currently. But these are classes. They can be a one day class or 6 classes every Thursday.
This is the first time we told it to do the recurring Thursday class.
Selling by date currently.
No pending. One of the people booked 2 tickets. Total current bookings at 6.<br />
The class is set for 3/3/2016. I want them to be able to purchase tickets until 3/3/2016 and no purchases after that date since the class would have started.

Chris Christenson
Ok, I’m still unclear as to how you’ve set up this event. Would you be able to provide a link to it?

Stephen Harris

Chris Christenson
Hi Chris,
It looks like you have created one ticket (Archery 101 Class) for only the first date (3rd March) of the event.
That ticket seems to have 6 spaces left, with 12 reserved (either booked, or also ‘pending’ if you are reserving pending bookings): so a total of 18. Does that tally with what you expect?

Stephen Harris