Hi! In settings i select …
If you select only one date in event lists and archives is of recurring appointments shown (this can be overridden by attributes shortcode and widget options).
but i have all events showen in the event list. I search for the problem and found that….
If do it like this 
everythink works fine and only one of the reccurring events is showing in the event list.
If i do it like this

i got all events of the reccuring event. But if i dont do it in this way i got a false date on the single event page.
What di i wrong?
This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by
Wolfgang Kronlachner.

Wolfgang Kronlachner
This would be hard to answer for the ones who don’t speak german I guess. What exactly happens on the event page? You mentioned a false date – which one?

Adrian Maleska
Hi Wolfgang,
Could you provide the iCal feed that you are importing (if you wish to keep it private you may use this form to upload an iCal file or provide the feed link).
With regards to the event list – with event list shortcodes and particularly widgets you need to specify that you want to group occurrences. With the widget there is an option in the widget settigns, for the event list shortcode:
[eo_events group_events_by="series"]
I believe that should fix the issue when using the latter settings in Google. However, the first screenshot settings should also work but appear not to be in your case. I think this is may be a bug with the plug-in, which is why I’d like to get a copy of your feed so I can test it, and fix any problems.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephan!
Thanks for the fast reply. Here is the ical feed i use. Its only a test feed so i dont need to keep it private.
Yes if i go this way
[eo_events event_category=”blitzkurs” group_events_by=”series”]
the problem is fixed. 🙂
Thanks a lot, your support is realy great!!!

Wolfgang Kronlachner
You’re welcome 🙂
You may find that iCal sync does not correctly import events which are set to recur for a set number of times. This is a minor bug in the iCal extension, and I’ll be releasing an update as soon as possible.

Stephen Harris