I have a recurring event that has different start & end times.
For example, Event 1 is on the following days & times:
Friday @ 4 pm to 11 pm (7 hour duration)
Saturday @ 2 pm to 10 pm (8 hour duration)
I have set ‘EVENT_ORGANISER_BETA_FEATURES’ to true in the wp-config file, outlined in the below url.
I’m now able to view the Calendar and move Event 1 on Saturday to the different start time (2 pm). However, I don’t see how I’m able to change the end time to 10 pm. It seems that once I move the event up to start time 2 pm, it is for the 7 hour duration rather than the 8 hour duration.
Can I configure a recurring event with different start & end times (duration)? If so, can you explain the steps?
Thanks for such a great plugin that is developer friendly.

Samara Shugart
Hi Samara,
Unfortunately occurrences have to be of a set duration. This is a UI restriction more than anything which I hope will be lifted.
The function (marked as private): eventorganiser_move_occurrence ()
https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/blob/c87053a059089cce1220a501d70dae5ca90f5bb6/includes/event.php#L1120 allows you to change the occurrence’s start and end datetime in arbitrary way (so long as there is not already an occurrence on that date).
So you could use that to change the duration of the intended occurrence, but there’ s no user interface for this.

Stephen Harris
Thanks Stephen for the explanation. Is adding the UI capability of allowing recurring events with different duration on the road map and if so, what is the ETA.
I will take a look at the function and let you know if I have any questions.
Thanks again!

Samara Shugart
Hi Samara,
That feature is being considered, but there is no ETA as of yet I’m afraid.

Stephen Harris