reCAPTCHA doesn't work

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years ago.

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  • #37422

    We’ve implementet 3 forms with a reCAPTCHA. The keys are reCAPTCHA-Type 2 (with an “I’m not a robot” checkbox).

    If you want to apply an event you can check the checkbox reCAPTCHA and it approves that you are a real person. At the end, when you submit the form – it says that you have to fill in the required filed wich is the Captcha. So we can’t submit the form anymore, even if the captcha is filled out.

    You can test it on our customers form. For example:

    Thank you for your help!

    Kevin Peyer

    Hi Kevin,

    It looks like you’ve disabled the captcha? In any case, I’ll investigate this issue on a test site.

    Stephen Harris
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