Re-Book a cancelled event

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Benjamin Ogg 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #26828

    Dear Stephen

    I installed your brilliant plugin and limited the tickets to one (1) per user. If now a user cancels an event the user is not able to rebook the same event (i.e. the cancellation was accidentally made). The plugin alerts, that the event is already booked (which is not 100% true, as the ticket is actually cancelled).

    I certainly could delete the cancelled tickets in wp-admin manually but a workaround for this matter would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks for your help, Stephen!

    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Benjamin,


    eo_user_has_bookings( get_current_user_id(),  $post_id, $occurrence_id )


     eo_user_has_bookings( get_current_user_id(),  $post_id, $occurrence_id, eo_get_reserved_booking_statuses() )

    Then, users will be able to place a booking so long as they do not have an existing booking that is reserving a space.

    I’ve updated the tutorial.

    Stephen Harris

    You are awesome, Stephen!
    Thanks for you quick help. It works perfectly!
    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg
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