Radio buttons

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14491

    I want Radio buttons on this form
    I want it to be possible for a user to submit several bookings from a form but only one at the time.

    Right now there seems to be a problem because its impossible to make any bookings. I have made some changes earlier but I can’t find them anymore. I would appreciate some help because right now it´s a mess.

    all the best


    Urban Norlander

    Hi Urban,

    Have you seen this thread: that details how to edit the ticket picker template to have radio buttons instead of inputs.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen!
    I´ll try that.
    But I still have the problem thats impossible to submit any bookings.
    I get an error message as soon as I try and I cant figure out why.
    Can you please hav a look at it at

    Urban Norlander

    You’re using checkboxes rather than radios there. For checkboxes the name needs to be given as in the above link and the value needs to be 1. For radio buttons, the value needs to be the ticket ID

    Stephen Harris

    I´ll try to start all over again to be sure that northing goes wrong.
    Is it possible to start with a eo-ticket-picker.php from another installation?

    Urban Norlander

    Is it possible to start with a eo-ticket-picker.php from another installation?

    Assuming it’s just the default one, then yes. Nothings changed in the ticket picker template recently.

    Stephen Harris
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