put events in a table

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  defaliz 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #5095

    thanks a lot for your plugin…
    i need to put events (title, date, venue…) in a php table of my own
    is it possible ?
    i think i need to do a loop (for or while ? ) in eo_events and place attributs %start% %venue%… in the table
    is there another trick ?

    thanks for your help



    Hi Alain,

    You can do one of three things:

    • Create your own shortcode, and use eo_get_events() to retreve events and display them in a title.
    • Create your own page template and use eo_get_events() as above
    • Use the [eo_events] shortcode with a custom template for shortcode-event-list.php.

    The first one is probably the best option.

    Stephen Harris

    thanks a lot Stephen
    i’ll try your solutions


    i’ve done like on this page

    but as you can see in row L1 there is all the list (events are in category L1, M1…)
    i need first event of category L1 in the first row, second in the second and so on…
    here is a piece of my table code :
    maybe something that i don’t understand….

    [eo_events event_category=”L1″ ] %event_title%
    %start{jS M Y}%
    %event_venue% [/eo_events]


    ok, works by modifying shortcode-event-list.php
    but i don’t know how having the venue with the function :

    return nothing… even if i use $id….

    how can i do ?
    thanks for your help


    ok, works by modifying shortcode-event-list.php
    but i don’t know how having the venue with the function :

    return nothing… even if i use $id….

    how can i do ?
    thanks for your help


    Looks like something got swallowed in the forum. If you’re trying to get the venue ID from the event:

     $venue_id = eo_get_venue( $event_id );

    where $event_id is the (post) ID of the event. Although, in that template file, eo_get_venue() should work too.

    Stephen Harris

    yes Stephen
    i can read the id like in this page http://departement-biologie.univ-evry.fr/even-test

    but i need the name of the venue
    when i try in the loop i have 196 and 197
    when i try
    i have always 11, but not the name or description of the venue



    ok i found the solution
    i was using numeric ID but i have to use the name of the id (string character)
    so to have the venue un my table :

    that’s all !
    thank a lot

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