[Pro]Download bookings – Encode from utf-8 to shift-jis

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question [Pro]Download bookings – Encode from utf-8 to shift-jis

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #27253


    Thank you for providing nice plugin.

    I purchased Pro and I am using this plugin in Japanese language.

    When I use “Download bookings”, character corruption occurs due to the encode “utf-8”.

    I would like to download booking data as ” shift-jis”.
    If ” shift-jis”, character corruption does not occur when I open the file by EXCEL.

    Is there any way to change the encode to “shift-jis”?

    Thank you,

    Koji Motoyama

    Hi Koji,

    The encoding is set by the site’s blog_charset option. So you could change that (but it also effects site feeds and the rest api). That said, provided Excel is expecting a UTF-8 document it should be able to handle Japanese characters, so you shouldnt need to export bookings in shift-jis

    Stephen Harris
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