I can’t do tooltips working on maps.
Can you give me instruction how todo this?
I have this code that show map in single event.
<?php echo eo_get_venue_map(eo_get_venue(),array(‘width’=>’100%’,’tooltip’=>true)); ?>

Rob Dabney
I found tooltip code in html code, but i can’t make it visible.

Rob Dabney
Hi Rob,
Can you provide a link to your site? The tooltip should be visible whenever you click on the venue, perhaps there is some CSS forcing it to be hidden?

Stephen Harris
Great, thanks!
I checked the console and there were a couple of errors, which lead me to an issue with qTip https://github.com/qTip2/qTip2/issues/459.
I’ll be fixing this and releasing an update today / tomorrow (update of standard version).
Thanks for reporting this.

Stephen Harris
I should add that this isn’t replicable on a standard install of WordPress – unless I use your theme’s local copy of jQuery. If you disable the theme’s use of its local jQuery copy, then the tooltip will probably work.
Because this is a conflict with a theme, and not a bug with the plug-in I won’t be able to include the fix if it breaks currently supported versions – which it probably won’t, but I should mention it nonetheless.
(On a side note, themes really shouldn’t be using their own local copy, as it can easily break plug-ins).
Somewhere the theme might be doing something like
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'register_jquery' );
function register_jquery() {
wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
wp_register_script( 'jquery', ... )
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
Removing the wp_deregister_script
and wp_register_script
functions should resolve the issue.

Stephen Harris
Yes, problem was with lightbox jquery lib.
Thanks for help 🙂

Rob Dabney
One more question
shortcode: [event_map tooltip=”true” height=”450px” width=”615px” event_category=”‘.$term.'”]
How i can show only future events?

Rob Dabney
[event_map tooltip="true" height="450px" width="615px" event_category="'.$term.'" event_start_after="now"]
should do it :).

Stephen Harris