Problem with map tooltip

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    I can’t do tooltips working on maps.

    Can you give me instruction how todo this?
    I have this code that show map in single event.
    <?php echo eo_get_venue_map(eo_get_venue(),array(‘width’=>’100%’,’tooltip’=>true)); ?>

    Rob Dabney

    I found tooltip code in html code, but i can’t make it visible.

    Rob Dabney

    Hi Rob,

    Can you provide a link to your site? The tooltip should be visible whenever you click on the venue, perhaps there is some CSS forcing it to be hidden?

    Stephen Harris
    Rob Dabney

    Great, thanks!

    I checked the console and there were a couple of errors, which lead me to an issue with qTip

    I’ll be fixing this and releasing an update today / tomorrow (update of standard version).

    Thanks for reporting this.

    Stephen Harris

    I should add that this isn’t replicable on a standard install of WordPress – unless I use your theme’s local copy of jQuery. If you disable the theme’s use of its local jQuery copy, then the tooltip will probably work.

    Because this is a conflict with a theme, and not a bug with the plug-in I won’t be able to include the fix if it breaks currently supported versions – which it probably won’t, but I should mention it nonetheless.

    (On a side note, themes really shouldn’t be using their own local copy, as it can easily break plug-ins).

    Somewhere the theme might be doing something like

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'register_jquery' );
    function register_jquery() {
        wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
        wp_register_script( 'jquery', ... )
        wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );

    Removing the wp_deregister_script and wp_register_script functions should resolve the issue.

    Stephen Harris

    Yes, problem was with lightbox jquery lib.

    Thanks for help 🙂

    Rob Dabney

    One more question
    shortcode: [event_map tooltip=”true” height=”450px” width=”615px” event_category=”‘.$term.'”]

    How i can show only future events?

    Rob Dabney

    [event_map tooltip="true" height="450px" width="615px" event_category="'.$term.'" event_start_after="now"]

    should do it :).

    Stephen Harris
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