Problem with event dates

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    I’m new to WordPress, so probably missed an obvious point, but I can’t create an event with the plug-in (v2.8.6 on WP4.0) with anything other than today’s date. I’m trying to create a 7 day event next year, but every time I press Update, the date reverts to today – even if I tick all day event.
    I’ve checked date formats for both plugin & wordpress, both set dd-mm-yyyy.
    Really stumped and spent several eveings trying to get the bookin form working until I noticed the event dates were always in the past!

    Any suggestions would be appreciated

    Kevin Chamberlain

    Hi Kevin,

    Sorry to hear you’re having problems with the plug-in. Do you get any error messages when you click ‘update’, or does just the page reload with the ‘event saved’ message, but the incorrect date?

    I’ll be in touch via e-mail, as it may be useful to for me to test this first hand.

    Stephen Harris
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