Problem with Calendar

This topic contains 14 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  lynn 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    I’m having a bit of a problem with the full calendar view, namely this

    It only happens when there’s an event on a date in that week. On months with no dates in them at all, the calendar looks normal.


    Not entirely sure why my image didn’t show up, I’ll try again:


    I give up. Tried to post an image three times and at least I can’t see it, not sure if anyone else can.

    So here’s the description of the problem instead:

    The week where an event is in any day of the week, all of the days of that week triple in length.


    Can you post a link? The only thing that I can think of is that the one event has a long title but I’m not sure that’s what’s happening.


    Hi Lynn,

    It sounds like this is a conflict with your theme. Could you try switching to TwentyTweleve to check this? If it is, then its just matter of tinkering with your theme’s style.css (quite how I don’t know without seeing the website).

    Stephen Harris

    Yes, it works in TwentyTwelve, but I guess I was looking for some insight into what may be causing it because I can’t think of what would stretch it down like that off the top of my head.


    sorry the website is and the original template’s CSS is a bit of a hot mess

    I just added another event and it’s gotten even worse.


    Hi Lynn,

    This appears to be an issue with Chrome, and your theme (using Firefox the calendar appears normally – or when you change the theme). I suspect this has to be do with the javascript your theme is using – at a guess, I’d say the ‘flux’ script. If you’re able to disable that and see that might verify it as the cause.

    Can you confirm this is the theme?

    Stephen Harris

    Yes, that’s the theme. I deactivated Flux but it’s still happening


    I had to log out to be able to post, your forum keeps asking me “Are you human?” with no ability to actually answer it.

    I was trying to say that I also systematically disabled all plugins and none of them were the cause.


    I would love to have the calendar that public would see appear as it does in the admin section. When I set up the calendar on a page, the event details appear cramped and unreadable. Do you have any suggestions?


    you might wanna make your own topic, Bill. This one’s for my issue 😛


    So as an update to this problem.. something is setting the first day of the week to a height of 263px and that’s what I’m trying to track down right now. None of the other days have that height adjustment but they all fall in line obviously, and it doesn’t happen unless events are on the week.

    Any thoughts?


    nevermind.. I fixed it. I don’t know if this is the BEST way to fix it, but it definitely solved the problem

    I added a ‘max height’ of 34px to the following line in the full calendar CSS

    .fc-grid .fc-day-content{clear:both;padding:2px 2px 1px;max-height:34px;}

    all good now.. I think.

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