Problem with Ajax-call for full calendar

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Problem with Ajax-call for full calendar

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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    I have a problem with the ajax-call when I use the fullcalendar shortcode. When I am logged in, the events show up correctly, but when I am not logged in, the ajax call does not return the events (302), so the loading button loads forever. The link to the site is

    I would appreciate your help. If you can help me fix the problem, we will also consider making a donation.



    Hi Johannes,

    Have you tried disabling temporarily all other plug-ins & switching to TwentyEleven/Twelve theme? I’ve not seen this problem before, and it could be a plug-in conflict. 302 is a “temporary redirect” – do you have a plug-in installed that might be doing that?

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,
    thanks for pointing me into the right direction. The problem was with the theme. We have users that should not have any dashboard access but are used to restrict access to certain parts of the frontend, so we have a hook there to prevent this. This hook also denied access to the admin-ajax.php script, which I changed now with an additional condition on DOING_AJAX. However, thanks for responding so fast.


    Glad you got to the bottom of it!

    Stephen Harris
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