
This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #22082

    I have the pro. I have everything set up according to the instructions, however, when I view the event and book a ticket, I fill out the booking form and press the “book” button I get an error.

    It says unable to handle this request. 500

    Can someone please help me with this?

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    Hi Eliyahna,

    Have you checked your server’s error log? If you’re not sure how you can enable debug mode ( and then try again – it should print an error message.

    Do you have a caching plugin enabled? If so you may want to try disabling that as caching the booking form page can cause this problem.

    Stephen Harris

    Okay here is my error:

    Fatal error: Cannot create references to/from string offsets nor overloaded objects in /services17/webpages/util/r/a/ on line 332

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    Also, while studying this error, I see the “” is mentioned… this person’s domain name is “” and is set so in wp permalinks…

    What would make that other domain name show? I’m assuming it’s from their webhost “” but not sure how or why it would show here and if that’s the problem?

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    That will be the user’s path to the relevant file on their hosts server – so it doesn’t usually bare any resemblance to their domain name.

    Regarding the issue you’re having – the error message identifies the point of failure. However, I’m having trouble replicating it. Do you have any custom code / templates relating to the booking form in use on the site? Or have you made any changes to the plug-in files?

    Following the logical path that leads to the line in question, this error is only possible if the data present in $_POST (the data submitted by the user) is not as expected. There is a simple “fix” for this but before releasing that update I’d like to understand why the expectation here is failing – and whether, as I suspect, this is arising from a conflict with another plug-in or some customisations that have been applied.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    The only thing I’ve “customized” is the booking form… added custom fields using the provided interface.

    Can you make the booking / Paypal payment for ticket part functional? Can you contact me privately for access credentials?

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    Hi Eliyahna,

    I’ve just now sent you an e-mail before I read you’re reply.

    Stephen Harris

    I found the problem. They installed some plugin called “Hide Broken Shortcodes”. As soon as I found and disabled it, everything started working again.

    Thank you for your help hope this info helps with others.

    Eliyahna VanKurin

    Thanks for the follow up Eliyahna.

    For anyone interested, this plug-in removes text of the form [...] from the post (or page, or event etc) content as it interprets as a ‘broken’ shortcode (one that hasn’t been parsed). Unfortunately it can’t tell anything difference between this and an input such as:

     <input type="text" name="hello[world]" />

    with the [world] removed as its mistakenly identified as a broken shortcode. Thus when the page renders you end up with:

     <input type="text" name="hello" />

    and this effectively breaks the booking form as its seemingly ‘corrupts’ the submitted data.

    Stephen Harris
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