Pro: Testing bookings in Paypal sandbox mode

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Pro: Testing bookings in Paypal sandbox mode

This topic contains 33 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Ricardo Lodroño 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    I’ll post a tutorial on how to adapt the PayPal request – but as above – your circumstances aside, setting the IPN url or adapting the request should not be necessary.

    Regarding my previous post,

    The fact that PayPal automaticaly redirects if you set the redirection url in your PayPal …

    Apparently not necessary to set the url in your PayPal admin, just to enable auto-redirect, please see: If I read correctly you do not need to prevent the plug-in from sending a return url, but I’ve not tested this.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen.

    David Musgrove

    Hi David,
    I’m having exactly the same problem than you had: no HTTP response (empty response) from my server in the IPN transaction from PayPal, and I have cURL activated according to the debug page that Stephen provided. I’ve tested all the possible things as I told to Stephen via private emails, but for any reason, I can’t get the IPN responses to arrive to the plugin so my bookings never got confirmed. In the IPN history I can see the correct response URL but empty HTTP response so the IPN send keeps retrying. You said that ‘Igot the IPN data from PayPal and posted it myself using curl. When I did this the transaction ID appeared in WordPress, and the booking was confirmed’. Could you please give me the details about how to proceed to test this myself in my server? Because for me seems to happen something very weird, it works in a subdirectory installation, but not in my root installation even when I disable all plugins, return to TwentyTwelve default theme, reflush permalinks, etc.
    Thank you very much!

    Ricardo Lodroño

    <p>Hi David / Stephen, please could you give me any idea of how to test why I’m receiving HTTP empty reponses from server in Paypal? any way to test manually using cURL as David did?
    Thank you so much in advance, don’t know what more to test… :(</p>

    Ricardo Lodroño
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