PRO: Single events won´t display anymore

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question PRO: Single events won´t display anymore

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5838

    I´m having a problem displayng singl events.

    I suspect, that the flaw could come from, when I changed the base url when I brought the site live last week from to I use Multisite.

    [Please visit][1]

    I just get a lot of 404´s when I try to watch a single event from the widget in the frontpage and from the calendar page.

    My calendar page url is /kalender-2/ and I have tried to change the permalinks under settings, but that doesn´t seem to work either.

    Steffen Innonet

    Sorry, the url is:

    Steffen Innonet

    Hi Steffen,

    Events seem to be displaying normally to me. Could you provide the url of an event that 404s?

    The calendar and agenda widget are cached to improve performance, so changing your site url may potentially leave the ‘old urls’ in the cache (and explain the 404) – but that shouldn’t happen as the cache should be cleared when you update your site’s url / permalink settings.

    Stephen Harris
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