Pro License Key Stopped working

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #12661


    I’ve just restored a copy of my database from before I registered the plugin. Now, on attempting to re-register it I’m receiving the error message: “The license key you have entered is invalid.”..

    This is only on my local environment, and I’ll need to deploy this to staging and the live server as well, so this is pretty concerning.
    Any assistance is appreciated.


    VERB Interactive


    The license key is linked to the first site it’s used on based on the domain name – IP address pair and subsequent sites will register that key has invalid. In this case the IP address has changed.

    You cannot use the key simultaneously on development, staging and live servers, however you can request the key be ‘released’ should you wish to use it on a live sever having previously used it on a staging server. As you may have noticed, the plug-in will continue to function as normal, so what you can do is use the key on the staging site (where you update the plug-in), and then push the changes to the live site.

    I’ve just released your key, so it should appear as valid with the current IP address in use. Should you wish to move the key, you can request that the key be released via this contact form.

    Stephen Harris
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