Pro Import/Export missing iCal feeds

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Pro Import/Export missing iCal feeds

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kathy Lull 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi, I recently purchased the Pro version. But I don’t see an iCal Feeds section on the Import/Export settings page. The only options are Export Events and Import Events. Isn’t iCal Feeds supposed to be included with the Pro version? I have Event Organiser 2.6 & Event Organiser Pro 1.5. Thank you

    Kathy Lull

    Hi Kathy,

    EO Pro includes a feature that lets you generate an iCal feed of your events that your visitors can add to their calendars.

    To add events to EO from an iCal feed, you will need the Event Organiser ICAL Sync extension which is included for free with the EO Pro Business and Developer licenses, or can be purchased separately from £5.


    Sorry I can’t figure out how to get the extension for free? I go to and select the 1 site option. It still wants to charge me 5 lbs? I’ve logged into the site, also tried entering my Pro key in the discount code with no success. Please advise

    Kathy Lull

    Nevermind… I have the Pro for 1 site, not the Pro Business.

    Kathy Lull
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